Youth Housing Product Overview

Please don’t feel like you are alone…

Thousands of young people are experiencing homelessness and receive the lowest wages and statutory incomes of any age group. If finding a private rental isn’t hard enough, ONLY 2.9% of social housing is allocated to young people.

We understand the challenges young people have with finding a home especially during the current state of rental crisis. Finding your feet in this world and the transition to independence for young people has never been more difficult!

We know that housing alone is not sufficient to end youth homelessness. Access to education, training and employment goes hand in hand to help young people to reach their independence goals!

But clearly you can’t solve youth homelessness without housing.

We make it our business to work with willing partners in the community, and advocate (with government and appropriate sectors) to grow a broad range of youth specific housing
products AND ensure young people stay connected with support and opportunities that will help them reach their goals.

Privacy and Confidentiality

For detailed information about how we manage privacy and confidentiality as a client and tenant of My Foundations Youth Housing send a request to otherwise;

read our privacy statement here

Quick youth housing product guide

Housing Product Max.
Is rent subsidised?Is this
supported housing?
Is this
Adina Affordable
Housing (Pop-up)
End of
YesNoNot usually, but
can be
Housing (AH)
Up to
2 years
(capped at 75%
of the market rent)
NoNot usually, but
can be
Initiative (YI)
Up to
3 years
YesYesNot usually, but
can be
Housing Plus
Up to
5 years
scaled up annually
over 5 years and
capped at the
market rent
(low needs
Yes, if single
tenant in property
with more than
one bedroom.
Housing Managed
for Specialist
Services (SHS)
Up to
18 months
25% (maximum of
30%) of household
income in
accordance with
the NSW DCJ and
NSW Community
Housing Rent
YesYes, if single
tenant in property
with more than
one bedroom.
Targeted for
young people
Up to
18 months
25% (maximum of
30%) of household
income in
accordance with
the NSW DCJ and
NSW Community
Housing Rent
YesYes, if single
tenant in property
with more than
one bedroom.


AS AT 27/03/2025
REGIONSAdina Affordable
Housing (Pop-up)
Housing -
Housing Plus
HunterN/AN/AN/A Contact
02 8306 7905
Mid North CoastN/AN/AN/A Contact
02 8306 7905
Sydney (Inner)STUDIO $280
(kitchenette only, shared laundry facilities)

(full kitchen and internal laundry )

(full kitchen and internal laundry )
- 1 x 2bdrm townhouse
02 8306 7905
Sydney (Western)N/ANIL VACANCIESN/A Contact
02 8306 7905

Youth Housing Products

Adina Affordable Housing (PU)

In September 2022, My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd (MFYH) embarked on an
exciting and new partnership with Toga/TFE Hotels, Atlassian and Dexus (a real
estate private developer) to secure our latest “Pop-Up Housing Project”, resulting
in medium term affordable housing for young people.

There are a total of 42 units and include a selection of Studios, 1br and 2br
properties, all fully furnished Adina Central, right at Central Station Sydney!

Accommodation options include:

 Studios $270 pw
(kitchenette only, shared
laundry facilities)

1bdrm $390 pw
(full kitchen and internal
laundry facilities)

2bdrm $510 pw
(full kitchen and internal
laundry facilities)

** Please note these prices are for young people renting directly from us and have been set to ensure affordability for them personally. Affordability assessment assumes young people are either working and/or can access maximum Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) on top of any statutory payments paying no more than 50% of their gross income on rent. These prices do not apply for young people who come with a Rent Choice Youth Subsidy.

As this is a “pop-up” housing opportunity project and time limited, this product is best suited for those with capacity to find alternate
accommodation at the conclusion of the project and those who could benefit
from a medium-term central Sydney location.

Young people are able to self refer:

Click here for eligibility check CONTACT US FOR A REFERRAL PACKAGE


Read a news article on this exciting new housing product:

TOGA Group, Atlassian and Dexus with not-for-proFit My Foundations Youth Housing, launch The Central Project, providing those in need with temporary
accommodation | The Hotel Conversation

Sydney property: Former apartment hotel used as temporary housing while awaiting redevelopment (


Affordable housing is an alternative housing model for low to moderate income earners who may not quite meet the criteria for social housing, but also are struggling to find private rental accommodation. Rents in affordable housing properties with My Foundation Youth Housing Ltd (MFYH) are capped at around 75% of the private rental market rate.

The NSW Affordable Housing Ministerial Guidelines (the Guidelines) set out the policy framework for delivering affordable housing. There are many providers of affordable housing throughout NSW. Affordable housing with My Foundations Youth Housing Limited (MFYH) is youth specific (16 to 25 years old) and available in Liverpool, Marrickville, Mortdale and North Parramatta at this point in time.

6-month leases are offered in the first instance which may be renewed every 6 months for a maximum of 2 years, subject to a rent and ongoing eligibility review.


Sydney (Inner)

Sydney (West)
North Parramatta

Young people are able to self refer. Our local team will assess the referral and contact you within 72 hours.

Young people are able to self refer:

Click here for eligibility check CONTACT US FOR A REFERRAL PACKAGE

The Youth Initiative (YI) is government funded via NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ). My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd (MFYH) are funded to provide housing in partnership with YI funded support providers for young people leaving statutory out-of-home care, who are identified as being vulnerable to experiencing homelessness on exit from care in the YI delivery areas of the Hunter/Central Coast and Western NSW regions.

The program aims to build the long-term capacity and resilience of young people in order to permanently divert them from the homelessness service system.

All young people in out-of-home care in YI delivery locations are screened for eligibility into YI by DCJ and/or partnered/funded support providers. Where YI housing is required, eligible young people are then nominated to MFYH. MFYH’s primary aim is building relationships with local real estate agents and head leasing private rental properties that are then subleased at subsidised rent rates to young people. MFYH also provide the tenancy/property management that is required throughout duration of tenancy (generally up to a 2 year period).


Referrals for Transitional Housing Plus (THP) should only be made for young people considered to have the desire, motivation and capacity to live independently that includes keeping safe, managing their wellbeing and engaged in a daily activity that includes education &/or employment.

THP is a supported housing product, product, meaning young people are unable to self-refer unless they are assisted by a support provider who can and will assist to support them (on a low needs basis) during their commencing years within their tenancy. The properties are also often shared depending on whether or not the
referred young person is a single applicant.

Local Nomination Assessment Panels (NAPS) have been set up to review referrals
and assess eligibility, suitability and priority. Priority target groups for this product
are young people;

  • who are receiving, or have received, an Out-of-Home Care service,
  • who are, or have been, a client of Juvenile Justice,
  • aged between 16 to 20 years and/or,
  • of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

Not all young people are within this priority group. Please note, this does not
mean they are not eligible/suitable and will not be housed.



Mid North Coast
Coffs Harbour
Port Macquarie

Sydney (West)
North Parramatta

Sydney (Inner)
West Ryde

If a referral is approved by the panel, an offer of housing is made by the local MFYH
Youth Housing Manager when a suitable vacancy becomes available. Where we have multiple suitable vacancies within one THP Managed area (such us Sydney –
Western or Sydney – Inner), locational need is assessed by reviewing a young
person’s support provider/s location, where their current daily activity is and the location of other support/family networks.

The Youth Housing Manager then works together with the referring support provider/s to ensure that the young person is educated on tenancy rights and responsibilities and has access to appropriate support over the period of the program. During their tenancy young people will be expected to continue their development and commitment to education and/or employment pathways and aim to set themselves up with the necessary skills and resources required to live independently in the private rental market.

The support provider develops a case plan with the tenant, meeting regularly (e.g.
monthly home visits) to address any tenancy and other related issues (such as
independent living/life skills, employment and/or study pathways). Both support provider and young person engage in regular tenant reviews with their My Foundation Youth Housing tenancy manager (minimum twice a year) to determine ongoing suitability/eligibility of product.

The support a young person needs is expected to reduce throughout the
program duration.

Click here for eligibility check CONTACT US FOR A REFERRAL PACKAGE

Read a tenant story shared by a Transitional Housing Tenant.


Since 2014, My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd (MFYH) has partnered with the
following Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) to provide Transitional Housing
opportunities for young people within their allocated SHS government funded
portfolio areas:

Service (SHS)
Transitional Housing
Types of
Port Macquarie
2 bedroom units
2 bedroom units
Pennant Hills
West Ryde
2 bedroom houses
5 bedroom house
4 bedroom house
2 bedroom house

These properties are classified as Transitional Housing and are therefore available
for a period of up to 18 months with rents set at 25% (maximum of 30%) of household income in accordance with the NSW DCJ and NSW Community
Housing Rent Policy. The properties are also often shared depending on whether or not the referred young person is a single applicant.

Nominations are sent to My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd by YPS Space MNC
or Taldumande Youth Services for young people that meet the SHS Going Home Staying Home funded criteria (homeless or at risk of homelessness and aged between 16 and 25). In most cases the SHS service has worked with the young
person (often while staying in refuge) to also ascertain their level of independent
living skills and whether or not they are suitable for a shared housing environment.
MFYH then provide tenancy and property management support, liaising with the young person and support partner throughout the tenancy duration.

As this is also a supported housing product, the ongoing support by the SHS support worker includes regular (monthly) home visits along with case management to meet the young person’s needs including inding longer term
suitable housing.


My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd (MFYH) has partnered with TwentylO to manage six Canada Bay townhouse properties (that are within TwentylO’s Going Home Staying Home portfolio). These properties are classified as Transitional Housing and are therefore available for a period of up to 18 months, with rents set at 25% (maximum of 30%) of household income in accordance with the NSW DCJ and NSW Community Housing Rent Policy.

Properties within this package are targeted at young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or gender diverse, queer, intersex or those questioning their identity (LGBTQI+) as we seek to create a safe and supportive space for young people within this community and their friends.

The properties are either 2 or 3 bedrooms and are therefore open for referrals for families, sibling groups, couples and other combined households who will contribute to an LGBTQI+ friendly and safe environment. Any single young people referred will be expected to share with unrelated tenants so please ensure the young person understands and accepts this before submitting a referral.

TwentylO does not seek exclusive nomination rights over these properties and therefore referral pathways are open to other organisations working with eligible young people with the understanding that this is a supported housing product. Meaning young people are unable to self-refer, and they are assisted by a support provider who can either;

  • refer them to an organisation (such as TwentylO) who will support the young
    person during their transitional tenancy, or
  • be able to provide this ongoing support as there is no guarantee that TwentylO
    will always have the capacity to assist.

The ongoing support required includes regular (monthly) home visits along with case management to meet the young persons needs including finding longer term suitable housing.

Referrals are received by My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd who will assess whether or not the young person is eligible and suitable. My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd then provide tenancy management support, liaising with the young person and support partner throughout the tenancy duration.


Click here for eligibility check CONTACT US FOR A REFERRAL PACKAGE