How you can help

How you have made a difference

We are a community housing provider and a registered charity. Any direct donation you make will go directly to what we do best – providing bricks and mortar for young people in need. Your donation will assist us with the development of youth housing structures or enhance the safety or environmental footprint of our current housing products.

All donations are welcome – together we can give young people the fair go that they deserve!


You can make a tax deductible donation via PayPal by clicking the button below.

Need a receipt? Get in touch and tell us your name, the date of the donation, and the amount of the donation.


Philanthropy, Government
and Corporate Support

“Toga’s CSR Strategy focusing on youth at risk and youth homelessness, came to life when we commenced our partnership with My Foundations. By offering our vacant asset for meanwhile use, MFYH provided us an opportunity to provide safe and affordable housing for homeless young people. We only have positive things to say about MFYH and the work they do.”

– Mischelle Fischl, TOGA


  • Direct financial investment
  • Sponsorship of capital projects including the development of property or the purchase of land
  • Funding of innovation for existing and new projects, which extend the range of housing options for young people.


  • Direct financial investment
  • Asset transfer – MFYH has the capacity to receive asset transfers from Housing NSW and other Governments throughout Australia.
  • Land transfers can be leveraged through our corporate partnerships into permanent, temporary or tiny homes depending on the need of your local young people and community


  • Sponsorship of capital investment
  • Workplace giving
  • Pro bono work/capacity building
    this could range from offering time and expertise in financing, legal, construction, architecture, surveying, conveyancing, planning and a range
    of trades.

How we make a difference

We are the only youth specific housing provider in Australia and perhaps even the world. Established 9 years ago, we are well on our way of already making a difference!

Our advocacy voice, youth worker hearts and strong-minded partnerships, kicked this organisation into action, building a youth housing portfolio and implementing an increase in the delivery of new housing products such as Transitional Housing Plus (5 year transitional housing (mostly shared) for young people across Hunter, Mid North Coast and Sydney Metro areas of NSW). We must emphasise that the ongoing support of partners has been vital for the success of young people starting out in these tenancies.

We have bought our first property (3,730 m² land size) in Port Macquarie and are seeking further funding and philanthropic opportunities to redevelop this purchase into multiple housing products for young people.
Read more about our innovations and partnerships here


We have a current snapshot of (###) young residents in their own safe and affordable tenancies across NSW

NB: Includes children in households.


We have housed over 1400 young tenants so far

Includes Transitional Housing, Transitional Housing Plus (THP), Affordable Housing, Premier’s Youth Initiative and our pop-up housing tenants but not our temporary accommodation clients.

We have provided a total number
of tenancy days (#) so far

With a median tenure length of (###) days per young person. All of this tenancy experience/history adds to a young persons ‘tenancy resume’ and is vital for future and longer term housing success!